It is estimated that around 24.000 people die every year due to lightning strikes (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, NOAA). This is why every person who lives in a high isokeraunic area should be aware of the danger of this atmospheric phenomenon.
- Close the doors and windows of your house and avoid air currents
- Avoid showers during a thunderstorm
- Avoid using landline phones
- Disconnect the lines which are not protected against overvoltages
- Do not use bicycles or motorcycles
- Vehicles are safe if the engine is off and windows are closed
- Never seek shelter under a tree
- Avoid places that attract lightning (mountainous or wooded areas)
- Avoid contact with water
- Stay away from electric poles or antennas
- Avoid wearing prominent metallic elements
- Detect a shelter if you are outdoors
- Keep your pets in a safe place
The best way to protect yourself against a lightning strike is to count on a lightning protection system.
Carry out annual inspections of your system to verify its correct status.
If you are outdoors and you can´t find shelter:
Squat down, cross your arms over your knees and place your head between your arms.
It is important to bring your feet together to reduce the harmful effects of currents on the ground caused by lightning strikes.
For more information about protection of outdoor areas please contact our technical specialists here.