Our enhancement material improves grounding effectiveness around any kind of earthing rod
In high resistivity soils it is necessary to use a specific material to obtain a proper grounding resistance. APLICEM ground enhancing cement improves grounding effectiveness around any kind of earthing rod.
This product is very useful in industries that require a low grounding resistance such as computer installations, radio frequency facilities and substations.
Aplicem increases the conductive surface of the earth electrode, improving its earthing resistance that decreases drastically. Resistance also remains stable regardless of soil moisture. Therefore, costs are reduced by requiring fewer perforations for an adequate resistance. In addition, Aplicem prevents any corrosion on the electrode because of it is an inert material.
Aplicem enlarges the conductive surface of the earth electrode thus improving its earthing resistance, which decreases drastically. Besides, resistance remains stable regardless of soil moisture. Therefore, costs are reduced by requiring fewer perforations for an adequate resistance. Aplicem is an inert material, so it also prevents any corrosion on the electrode.