DAT CONTROLER® REMOTE lightning rods protect Malacky Castle in Slovakia

DAT CONTROLER® REMOTE lightning rods protect Malacky Castle in Slovakia

Lightning rods with the most advanced technology from Aplicaciones Tecnológicas, DAT CONTROLER® REMOTE, protect Malacky Castle in Slovakia, as well as part of the Zamocky Park, the classicist style English park that surrounds this 17th century fortress.

Due to its isolated location, without surrounding higher elements, and because of the value of this cultural heritage, the Malacky Castle requires a protection against lightning that guarantees the integrity of the building and the safety of its visitors.

DAT CONTROLER® REMOTE lightning rod offers this protection against atmospheric discharges, in addition to an M2M communication system. This system allows the centralized verification of the status of the air terminal through a customized web page, without the need to physically access the lightning rod.

The installation of lightning rods or other lightning protection elements in these buildings must take into account possibilities to minimize the visual impact and maintain the electrical installations and earthing system, as far as possible.

Should you need more information about DAT CONTROLER® REMOTE lightning rod, visit our website.