Aplicaciones Tecnológicas organizes free training courses in January and February 2020
Aplicaciones Tecnológicas organizes free online webinars aimed at professionals.
Courses and Events, SMART LIGHTNING | 09/01/2020 |
Aplicaciones Tecnológicas organizes free online webinars aimed at professionals.
Courses and Events, SMART LIGHTNING | 04/12/2019 |
Aplicaciones Tecnológicas, a company specialized in lightning protection systems, offers you for free the next online webinars about Apliweld® Secure+, the safest exothermic welding in the market. Besides, there are also free online webinars about ATSTORM®, the thunderstorm detection system for labour risk prevention.
Courses and Events, SMART LIGHTNING | 14/11/2019 |
Aplicaciones Tecnológicas offers free online courses for professionals in the sector. If you want to participate in these training sessions, choose the organized course in your country and check your time zone. All our online webinars are free but places are limited.
Courses and Events, SMART LIGHTNING | 10/10/2019 |
Aplicaciones Tecnológicas, leader in lightning protection systems, is organizing free online courses aimed at professionals. During the coming months of October and November 2019, free online courses will be held about two of its solutions: ATSTORM®, a thunderstorm detection system for labour risk prevention, and Apliweld® Secure+, an exothermic welding system in tablet format with remote electronic ignition.