SMART LIGHTNING Archives - Page 19 of 119 - Aplicaciones Tecnológicas

Aplicaciones Tecnológicas joins the standards committee CTN 221 – Wind energy generation systems to participate in the development of standards for lightning protection

Aplicaciones Tecnológicas has joined the standards committee CTN 221 – Wind energy generation systems of the Spanish Association for Standardisation (UNE) to participate in the maintenance of the standard UNE-EN IEC 61400-24:2011 – Wind turbines. Part 24: Protection against lightning strikes.

Aplicaciones Tecnológicas protects Europe’s largest suspension footbridge against lightning strikes

The largest Tibetan bridge in Europe, which is almost 600 meters long, will be put into operation this summer in La Vall del Riu, Andorra. Aplicaciones Tecnológicas will protect the bridge against lightning strikes with two DAT CONTROLER ® REMOTE Early Streamer Emission (ESE) air terminals to ensure the safety of both users and the structure against atmospheric discharges.

Advanced Course on Lightning Protection receives CPD certificate in UK

The Online Course on Lightning Protection Projects of Aplicaciones Tecnológicas provides the fundamentals, method and case studies to enable professionals involved in this sector to professionally design Lightning Protection Systems based on the main international standards. Since 2022, the course is certified as CPD (Continuing Professional Development) in the UK.