Smart Solutions Archives - Page 2 of 3 - Aplicaciones Tecnológicas

What is a dry thunderstorm and what are its risks?

By definition, “a dry thunderstorm is a storm that has no or very little precipitation associated with it, but does carry electrical activity”. The absence of precipitation can create a false sense of security that poses a serious risk to the safety of people and structures. In this scenario, a system with sensors capable of detecting all phases of the storm and issuing warnings before the first impact can make a difference.

Professional service for earthing systems 4.0

Aplicaciones Tecnológicas S.A. ofrece el servicio profesional de proyectos de sistemas de puesta a tierra 4.0, dirigido a ingenierías y estudios de arquitectura. A través de nuestro equipo técnico de expertos y de las herramientas informáticas más avanzadas abordamos la realización de cualquier proyecto de puesta a tierra.


Lightning protection in data centres

Data processing centres (DPCs) are under constant threat, not only from computer attacks but also from meteorological phenomena such as electrical storms. These are essential infrastructures that require protection against lightning and surges to avoid possible data loss and degradation of electrical and electronic equipment, as well as to prevent downtime, outages and service interruptions that imply a high economic impact.