Aplicaciones Tecnológicas, S.A. air terminals protect facilities of Metro Madrid

Aplicaciones Tecnológicas, S.A. air terminals protect facilities of Metro Madrid

The air terminals protect the Headquarters and two of the depots for the maintenance and reparation of the trains


Madrid’s Metro is the second subway network within the European Union -only London has got more kilometers- and the 8th of the world. It has about 300 stations, and over two million people use it daily. Safety and service continuity are therefore essential. Control, maintenance and reparation equipment are very costly, and any failure will affect a large number of people and cause important economic damages.

Considering these figures, the risk analysis of any Metro Madrid facility will result in the need of installing a lightning protection system according to the relevant standards. In this case, the buildings have been protected using Early Streamer Emission air terminals, thus following the standard UNE21186 (NF C 17102)

+ Info about DAT CONTROLER PLUS Early Streamer Emission air terminal