Exothermic Welding Archives - Aplicaciones Tecnológicas

Exothermic welding: the differences between various types of unions for earthing systems and their characteristics

The design and execution of an earthing system is a fundamental step in any type of construction. A good state of an electrical facility is vital for any modern facility, whether industrial or civil, due to the large number of processes carried out by elements connected to it. The connection of metallic elements of an earthing system can be carried out mechanically or by welding (such exothermic welding), although not all of these types of connection ensure reliable and, above all, long-lasting connections.


New electronic ignition kit Apliweld® Secure +: more compact and versatile

In an optimal earthing system, the bonding between conductors must be maintained in perfect condition throughout the lifetime of the installation. Within the bonding methods, exothermic welding (also called aluminothermic welding) achieves permanent connections with high conductivity. Apliweld® Secure +, a system developed by Aplicaciones Tecnológicas S.A. now features a remote electronic ignition system with a more compact and lighter design, with new and more versatile charging methods.

Professional service for earthing systems 4.0

Aplicaciones Tecnológicas S.A. ofrece el servicio profesional de proyectos de sistemas de puesta a tierra 4.0, dirigido a ingenierías y estudios de arquitectura. A través de nuestro equipo técnico de expertos y de las herramientas informáticas más avanzadas abordamos la realización de cualquier proyecto de puesta a tierra.