SMART LIGHTNING Archives - Page 18 of 119 - Aplicaciones Tecnológicas

What is a dry thunderstorm and what are its risks?

By definition, “a dry thunderstorm is a storm that has no or very little precipitation associated with it, but does carry electrical activity”. The absence of precipitation can create a false sense of security that poses a serious risk to the safety of people and structures. In this scenario, a system with sensors capable of detecting all phases of the storm and issuing warnings before the first impact can make a difference.

AT RESEARCH CENTER – A laboratory equipped for the most strict lightning protection studies

Nowadays, there is an increasing demand for guarantees that any equipment or tool is tested in accordance with the regulations to ensure its correct operation. Lightning is a phenomenon capable of causing great personal and material damage, but it is not possible to anticipate exactly when and where lightning will strike. However, it is vital that the systems designed to protect against the effects of lightning operate correctly and in accordance with current regulations. Aplicaciones Tecnológicas has the AT Research Center, one of the best-equipped laboratories in the world for testing Lightning Protection Systems (LPS), where the most demanding tests are carried out to measure the reliability of all its components.