SMART LIGHTNING Archives - Page 30 of 119 - Aplicaciones Tecnológicas

Upcoming free online webinars for professionals: May and June 2021

Aplicaciones Tecnológicas offers, to all professionals involved in the design and implementation of lightning protection systems, free online webinars for May and June 2021. If you want to participate in these training sessions, find the topic that interests you in your language, the course organized for your country and check the schedule. By clicking on the link, you can register to participate.

Storm detection and lightning damage prevention: What Works?

The local detection of thunderstorms allows for the prevention of accidents derived from lightning strikes. Electrical storms can cause death and injury to people. The risk is increased for workers in open spaces. In addition to the loss of life and health, lightning strikes damage properties, infrastructures, industries, communication systems and cultural heritage. Lightning starts many wildfires, causes power line failures, and can also cause environmental disasters.

Basic installation and maintenance guide for Early Streamer Emission (ESE) air terminals DAT CONTROLER® REMOTE from Aplicaciones Tecnológicas

Un Pararrayos con dispositivo de cebado, conocido también por la abreviatura PDC o por el nombre de pararrayos ionizante, es un sistema de protección externa contra el rayo de alta tecnología. Estos pararrayos tipo PDC se conocen también como pararrayos activos y deben cumplir con las Normas o Reglamentos que le apliquen, tanto nacionales como internacionales (principalmente las normas UNE 21.186, NFC 17.102, Código técnico de la Edificación apartado SU8,y NP4426).

Upcoming free online webinars for professionals: April and May 2021

Aplicaciones Tecnológicas offers free online courses aimed at professionals in the sector. If you want to participate in these training sessions, find the topic that interests you in your language, the course organized for your country and check the schedule. By clicking on the link, you can register to participate. You can also check the schedule on our webinar page.