SMART LIGHTNING Archives - Page 43 of 119 - Aplicaciones Tecnológicas

Golf courses: the danger of thunderstorms

There are two relevant data facts to keep in mind when evaluating the danger of lightning in golf courses. Firstly, the annual average of death casualties in golf courses is 13 people worldwide, being the majority due to electrical discharges caused by storms. Secondly, 5% of the total deaths caused by lightning strikes in the US occur in golf courses.

Aplicaciones Tecnológicas was present at the review of the international regulation IEC 62305 for lightning protection

Between 18th and 22nd November the group meetings of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) took place in Milan (Italy). These are responsible for the review of the international regulation of lightning protection IEC 62305. This regulation review was performed for its four parts (General Principles, Risk management, Physical Damage to Structures and Life hazards, Electrical and Electronic Systems in Structures). In addition, a general assembly of IEC Group 81 (Lightning Protection) was held.