Protect your photovoltaic panels against overvoltages with ATPV and ATVOLT
The consumption of energy provided by photovoltaic panels has increased significantly during the last years.
SMART LIGHTNING, Surge Protection | 17/06/2015 |
The consumption of energy provided by photovoltaic panels has increased significantly during the last years.
Corporate, SMART LIGHTNING | 17/06/2015 |
Aplicaciones Tecnológicas manufactures lightning protection systems since 1986. The acquired know-how and service orientation has led us in the years to lead the technological and standardization changes in the sector.
Smart ESE Lightning Rods, SMART LIGHTNING | 17/06/2015 |
Lightning protection standards establish certain periods for the verification and maintenance of the installed systems, which may vary depending on the normative. However, one point is the same in all of them: a complete verification is necessary every time the installation has been stroke by lightning. Mechanical or electrical lightning event counters record these strikes with one account every time a lightning current passes trough them.
Courses and Events, SMART LIGHTNING | 17/06/2015 |
The recent series of Latin America distributor’s training held last June has run around several axes of interest: presentation of our new products, review of the most relevant standards for lightning protection (IEC 62305, IEC 62561, NF C 17102, UNE 2186, NFPA 780, EN 50536, UL 467,…), as well as our software for risk assessment.