Earthing and lightning protection services - AT3w

Services: solutions for earthing and lightning protection systems as a high-added value proposition

Servitisation is the act of transforming products into services to provide added value to users. At Aplicaciones Tecnológicas S.A. we have also started this process with our products Smart Earthing (earthing systems) and Smart Lightning (lightning storm safety) to provide maximum support within the growing technological complexity. This allows us to adapt to the evolution in these areas according to our customers’ needs.

The constant investment and work in R&D of Aplicaciones Tecnológicas S.A. in recent years has led us to a significant expansion driven by a profound technological transformation and the development of products and services with high-added value. Our main efforts are directed towards key areas such as digitalisation, connectivity, data science (Big Data) and artificial intelligence (AI).

Therefore, we are aware of the importance of the Internet of Things (IoT or Internet of Things) and Big Data for the servitisation that we carry out in our company. Our strategy is based on incorporating intelligent sensors. Through their centralised monitoring, data is collected that can be used as the basis for the management decisions of the people in charge. The sensors gather information about the operation of products and assets that is forwarded, via IoT communication, to the triple AT-CLOUD secure server. Here, AI algorithms transform the data into useful information for our users. In this way, decision-making depends on objective information obtained in real-time.

At Aplicaciones Tecnológicas S.A., the continuous creation of new products and processes is an inherent part of our corporate identity. In this article, we present the Smart Earthing and Smart Lightning services, developed in our R&D centre, AT Research Center.

Smart Earthing Services: geo-electrical surveys and grounding system projects 4.0

Our Smart Earthing area of expertise focuses on intelligent earthing or 4.0 with the most innovative technological range of products and services for the design, implementation and control of earthing systems. In other words, we apply smart technology to transform traditional earthing installations into Earthing 4.0.

Professional service of advanced geoelectric studies

Aplicaciones Tecnológicas S.A. geoelectric studies service consists of the expert analysis of the resistivity of the ground for the optimisation of the earthing system. This is a highly competitive service with its methodology. It is based on the simplification of measurements, the use of intelligent technology and expert treatment.

The geoelectric characterisation of the subsoil can be carried out through the surface measurement of ground resistivity. This characterisation is a fundamental parameter for determining the optimal configuration of the earthing system. It establishes the layout, depth, number and type of elements necessary according to the regulatory requirements, safety and functionality of the project.

Optimising earthing reduces costs and time during the execution and commissioning of the installation. In addition, it guarantees greater efficiency, operability and service life of the system. On the other hand, it also makes it possible to determine the most suitable materials in each specific case.

Earthing systems projects service 4.0

Aplicaciones Tecnológicas S.A earthing systems 4.0 projects service deals with the implementation of any grounding project (buildings, industries, substations, photovoltaic plants, etc.), since efficiency, safety and reliability begin with a good project. To this end, we have a technical team of experts and the most advanced software.

We specialise in design projects for the monitoring of grounding systems. Monitoring makes it possible to meet the requirements of Industry 4.0, Smart City, Smart Grids or digital transformation. On the other hand, it makes it possible to supervise the degradation of critical systems and detect acts of vandalism, etc.

Our 4.0 approach uses Smart Earthing Monitoring System to perform centralised monitoring of earthing systems using smart sensors distributed at selected control points. The system evaluates the status of the installation at regular, programmable intervals. This ensures safety and continuity of service and optimises the safety and operational-financial efficiency of the assets.

Smart Lightning services: lightning and surge protection projects and installation, servicing and maintenance consultancy.

Our Smart Lightning area of expertise addresses lightning safety through innovative products and services that incorporate connectivity and other digital solutions to create value beyond protection. We therefore apply smart technology for lightning safety.

Lightning and surge protection projects

Through our lightning and surge protection project service, we offer the optimal solution for the protection of any structure and its contents.

The protection of a structure and everything it contains requires a risk calculation to select the level of security. Likewise, the project must follow the updated regulations and take into account the particularities of the structure, the lines and the equipment.

At Aplicaciones Tecnológicas S.A. we have advanced tools and techniques. Thus, we offer basic solutions in a simple way and also detailed studies of complex systems. Our approach includes ad hoc projects with an exhaustive calculation and customised solutions for the integral protection of structures, lines and equipment.

We work closely with our users to understand their needs to develop solutions that guarantee the safety of their installations and equipment.

Installation, inspection and maintenance service for lightning protection systems

The lightning protection system installation, revision and maintenance service offers users our experience in periodic regulatory inspections in accordance with UNE 21.186. This ensures correct maintenance or adaptation in the event of non-compliance.

Across the Smart Earthing and Smart Lightning areas, we provide high-level online and on-site training on lightning protection systems, safety against electrical storms, earthing and overvoltage.

On the one hand, we offer regular free webinars on specific Smart Earthing and Smart Lightning topics. On the other hand, we have an online course on lightning protection projects, which is also CPD-certified in the UK. You can also contact us for more information on classroom-based courses or to arrange a training day in your area.

You can find out more about Aplicaciones Tecnológicas S.A.’s Smart Earthing and Smart Lightning services by contacting our team of experts at the following link.

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