Aplicaciones Tecnológicas has renewed its quality certification ISO 9001
We improve day by day to offer safe and efficient lightning protection products.
Corporate, SMART LIGHTNING, Standards | 18/12/2012 |
We improve day by day to offer safe and efficient lightning protection products.
Corporate, SMART LIGHTNING | 26/09/2012 |
We have improved our presence on the Internet with more dynamic contents to efficiently reach the international markets.
Corporate, Smart ESE Lightning Rods, SMART LIGHTNING | 26/09/2012 |
Our ESE air terminal protected the 13th century landmark building of a direct lightning strike.
Corporate, Smart ESE Lightning Rods, SMART LIGHTNING | 05/09/2012 |
This important factory of the forest and paper industry is protected thanks to nine Aplicaciones Tecnológicas’ ESE air terminals.