Smart ESE Lightning Rods Archives - Page 11 of 37 - Aplicaciones Tecnológicas

CD-RISK of Aplicaciones Tecnológicas: the most versatile lightning protection software on the market

Aplicaciones Tecnológicas has the software to design the most efficient lightning protection system in the sector according to current regulations. CD-RISK is the professional application that allows risk calculation and selection of the Protection Level of a building with regards to the Technical Building Code (SUA8) and UNE standards (EN 62305 and 21186).

2019 Electrical storm statistics

In 2019, a total of 2,353,476,704 atmospheric electric discharges were registered in the world. This number includes lightning strikes between clouds and, above all, lightning strikes produced from cloud to ground. On August 13, 2019, the northernmost lightning known to date was detected, 52 kilometres away from the geographic north pole (89.53°N).

Protection against atmospheric electrical discharges in telecommunication towers

Telecommunication towers such as mobile phone, television or radio repeaters are high rise structures, often located in isolated places and equipped with sensitive elements susceptible to atmospheric electrical discharges. Their maintenance and repair usually requires technician call outs to remote locations, which creates an important cost and loss through downtime.