SMART LIGHTNING Archives - Page 53 of 119 - Aplicaciones Tecnológicas

Coordinating cascaded surge protection devices: how to stagger the protection?

The protection against overvoltages in an electrical installation is vital to guarantee peoples safety and avoid short and long term damages to equipment. A large majority of the installations are protected against overloads and derivations, but the installed devices do not protect against transient overvoltages (due to lightning) and permanent overvoltages (for example due to neutral failures).

Aplicaciones Tecnológicas is a speaker in the Technical Conferences of CINASE São Paulo 2018

CINASE, National Circuit of the Electrical Sector, is the travelling technical event in Brazil that aims to bring together different experts from the electrical industry to discuss and present the progress made in the technological market.

The CINASE congress is held annually in Brazil and in this 2018 edition it is going to take place in the cities of Fortaleza, Canoas, São Paulo and will end in Rio de Janeiro in November.

Lightning: interesting facts and curiosities about electrical storms

Lightning is one of the most fascinating and spectacular natural phenomena. The powerful electrostatic discharge that it represents lights up the sky during electrical storms.

Nevertheless, we must not forget that lightning strikes Earth with great force, and without appropriate protection and prevention it is potentially hazardous for people, animals, buildings and electrical and electronic equipment.