Two large solar farms in Portugal, protected with DAT CONTROLER PLUS 60
The design of the air terminal's location considered the use of existing structures and minimizing shadows
Corporate, Smart ESE Lightning Rods, SMART LIGHTNING | 22/07/2014 |
The design of the air terminal's location considered the use of existing structures and minimizing shadows
Courses and Events, SMART LIGHTNING | 18/06/2014 |
Our intervention focused mainly in preventive protection using the thunderstorm warning system ATSTORM
Corporate, Smart ESE Lightning Rods, SMART LIGHTNING | 18/06/2014 |
The air terminals protect the Headquarters and two of the depots for the maintenance and reparation of the trains
Courses and Events, SMART LIGHTNING | 18/06/2014 |
The use of exothermic welding described in the Spanish Low Voltage Installation Code was explained within the course