Aplicaciones Tecnológicas Archives - Aplicaciones Tecnológicas
lightning storm safety Lightning Protection security against electrical storms

Learn about the Advanced Course of Aplicaciones Tecnológicas on Lightning Protection

The Online Course of Aplicaciones Tecnológicas on Lightning Protection provides the foundations, method and practical cases so that architects, engineers, electrical installers, technical personnel of companies or professionals related to this sector can design professional lightning protection systems based on the main international regulations.


What is a surge counter and how can it help to achieve optimal protection

The digital transformation and the IoT revolution (Internet of Things), permanently interconnected teams, are making everyday life and economic sectors more and more dependent on technology. However, due to their dependence on a constant flow of energy and data for availability and performance, all electrical appliances are especially sensible to overvoltages and need to be protected to prevent possible accidents and economic losses. The information given by the overvoltage counter ‘Surge Logger’ lets you register and learn about these events in order to achieve an optimal protection.

The 5 most frequently asked questions about exothermic welding

Aluminothermic or exothermic welding is the chemical process that allows two or more conductors to be joined together in a durable manner. It is mainly used in earthing systems due to its reliability, resistance and a series of advantages over other types of joints. Knowing whether it is properly carried out, how to calculate the necessary material or how to guarantee the safety of people in the event of a chemical reaction are the main questions answered by Aplicaciones Tecnológicas.