Happy holidays!
Desde Aplicaciones Tecnológicas les deseamos una feliz Navidad y un año 2021 lleno de buenos momentos.
Corporate, SMART LIGHTNING | 22/12/2020 |
Desde Aplicaciones Tecnológicas les deseamos una feliz Navidad y un año 2021 lleno de buenos momentos.
Corporate, SMART LIGHTNING | 29/10/2020 |
Aplicaciones Tecnológicas has one of the largest laboratories in the world specialised in the development of products and services in the field of prevention and protection against the effects of atmospheric electrical discharges. The AT Research Center focuses its main activity on research into lightning and its effects.
Corporate, Smart ESE Lightning Rods, SMART LIGHTNING | 10/09/2020 |
A lightning protection system with an Early Streamer Emission (ESE) air terminal from Aplicaciones Tecnológicas protects the seat of the government of the Republic of Paraguay: the Palacio de López, also known as the Government Palace or the Presidential Palace.
Corporate, Smart ESE Lightning Rods, SMART LIGHTNING | 13/08/2020 |
Aplicaciones Tecnológicas has the software to design the most efficient lightning protection system in the sector according to current regulations. CD-RISK is the professional application that allows risk calculation and selection of the Protection Level of a building with regards to the Technical Building Code (SUA8) and UNE standards (EN 62305 and 21186).