Smart ESE Lightning Rods Archives - Page 9 of 37 - Aplicaciones Tecnológicas

Smart Solutions: air terminal DAT CONTROLER REMOTE, connectivity and auto-diagnosis

Lightning storms are dangerous and sudden phenomena that generate potential risks for people and property. Lightning protection in buildings is crucial to avoid personal, material and economic damage, and even environmental disasters. The smart air terminal DAT CONTROLER® REMOTE is part of the Smart Earthing and Lightning Solutions portfolio of Aplicaciones Tecnológicas. Our leading technology allows the lightning rod to perform a daily auto-diagnosis of its status and send the test results to the user via M2M communication system.

Basic installation and maintenance guide for Early Streamer Emission (ESE) air terminals DAT CONTROLER® REMOTE from Aplicaciones Tecnológicas

Un Pararrayos con dispositivo de cebado, conocido también por la abreviatura PDC o por el nombre de pararrayos ionizante, es un sistema de protección externa contra el rayo de alta tecnología. Estos pararrayos tipo PDC se conocen también como pararrayos activos y deben cumplir con las Normas o Reglamentos que le apliquen, tanto nacionales como internacionales (principalmente las normas UNE 21.186, NFC 17.102, Código técnico de la Edificación apartado SU8,y NP4426).

Lightning protection for Health Care Facilities: infrastructures to be protected against lightning strikes

Hospitals, retirement homes, research centers, laboratories, etc., are key infrastructures that must be protected against the risks caused by electrical storms. Buildings in which there is a high concentration of people, high-cost equipment and even patients connected to electrical systems that cannot suffer cuts or alterations in the electricity supply, require a comprehensive lightning protection system with the maximum guarantees of safety and quality.