Aplicaciones Tecnológicas organizes free training courses in January and February 2020
Aplicaciones Tecnológicas organizes free online webinars aimed at professionals.
Courses and Events, SMART LIGHTNING | 09/01/2020 |
Aplicaciones Tecnológicas organizes free online webinars aimed at professionals.
Corporate, SMART LIGHTNING | 19/12/2019 |
From Aplicaciones Tecnológicas we wish you a Merry Christmas and a great New Year 2020.
SMART LIGHTNING, Storm Detection | 12/12/2019 |
There are two relevant data facts to keep in mind when evaluating the danger of lightning in golf courses. Firstly, the annual average of death casualties in golf courses is 13 people worldwide, being the majority due to electrical discharges caused by storms. Secondly, 5% of the total deaths caused by lightning strikes in the US occur in golf courses.
Courses and Events, SMART LIGHTNING | 04/12/2019 |
Aplicaciones Tecnológicas, a company specialized in lightning protection systems, offers you for free the next online webinars about Apliweld® Secure+, the safest exothermic welding in the market. Besides, there are also free online webinars about ATSTORM®, the thunderstorm detection system for labour risk prevention.