Storm Detection Archives - Page 6 of 13 - Aplicaciones Tecnológicas

Storm detection and lightning damage prevention: What Works?

The local detection of thunderstorms allows for the prevention of accidents derived from lightning strikes. Electrical storms can cause death and injury to people. The risk is increased for workers in open spaces. In addition to the loss of life and health, lightning strikes damage properties, infrastructures, industries, communication systems and cultural heritage. Lightning starts many wildfires, causes power line failures, and can also cause environmental disasters.

What is and what are the benefits of an early storm detection system in different activity sectors

Companies with assets, material or personnel, at the mercy of electrical storms have, or should have, a protocol of action and preventive plan in case of electrical storms risk. Sometimes this protocol does not exist, or if it is available, it could be improved, since, on many occasions, the decision to continue or stop the works is made in a subjective way, which is why certain decisions may not be correct.

Differences between thunderstorm detectors (Lightning Warning System and Lightning Tracker)

Lightning bolts are powerful atmospheric electrical discharges that pose a great danger depending on where they strike. Without proper protection and prevention, these discharges are a risk to people, animals, buildings, and electrical / electronic equipment.

In order to prevent the effects of this natural phenomenon, the UNE-EN IEC 62793 standard establishes an application guide to determine the need or not for a thunderstorm detection system, as well as the types of detectors that exist for it.